Hi , welcome to my blog.
You're permitted to do some extraneous browsing while reading this cos this is my first blog and I cant promise you any nail-biting excitement. Not yet at least.A wee bit bout me.
I did my schooling in Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan and passed out of College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University.
I have nothing more to say about this college than what has already been said by my friends and seniors.Please don't believe a word they say.
My college rocks!
End of story.
I do like making new friends (contrary to the image I portray otherwise) but I'm afraid I cherish only a few of them. Very few of them.
I crib a lot. 'A Lot' would ideally be an understatement here.
I know that life isn't all that bad. But cribbing makes it better.
I like rainy days especially when they're a good alibi for no work. Heck...I love rainy days!
I like pink. This blog was originally pink but due to popular demand (or readers threatening to file a complaint against me for trying to impair their vision) I had to transform its theme into my next best colour, green. It wont stay this way for long I tell you.
Listening to 'Anne's Song' by Denver and 'Scarborough Fair' by Simon-Garfunkel with my eyes closed is Nirvana to me.
I'm extremely loyal to my blue Scooty and any insult to that frail 2-stroke vaahanam will not be tolerated.
I'm highly unstable. Or maybe I'm not.
Wait..Hang on a sec, I'll get back to you on this one.
I love curd rice.Any of its derivatives would make me a happy girl at the table. Period.
90% of my friends would declare that I'm a confirmed extrovert.I'd prefer to agree with the 10%.
Pink really is a very nice colour. I really think the juntha should give it a chance.
I'm weird.
But please do close the door behind you.
I hate coming into work where no one says hi.
Its not really protocol to say hi or anything, but comeon.. its just a hi.
How impoverished would that one word leave you?
I'm grateful to my parents for not contemplating adoption when I became quite unbearable. Parenting is not that easy my mommy tells me. I pretend like I don't know why.
I think of my friends 24/7. I cant comment on that being mutual though.
I like my Fridays like everybody else. Planning for the weekend sure stirs up some excitement in me, but I hate admitting that all our plans blow up on our face.
I don't really adore animals. They're cute and shouldn't be harmed 'n all, but thats it.
Does that make me a bad person?
I always remind myself I'm not doing what I should be doing..or worse, what I want to be doing. It takes a lot of courage to do what you want to in life.
I haven't the courage, yet.
Pink looks great on women. Just like blue on men. Don't disparage this colour anymore. Thank you very much.
Sometimes swearing does lift all the smoke from inside you. Its like having a bubble-bath after a long weary day. Its just #%^#$%^@ when your mom's beside you and asks you to repeat what you just said.
I'm me.
Just another blogger.
Just another girl.
Just another person.
Just another brick on the wall.
Thats what I keep reminding myself from time to time.
Take care...and always thank the lord for the roof above your head.
2 Confounded-souls had something to say:
like ur intro to ure self. http://nomadicdreamer.blogspot.com/2007/01/about-me-ummm-let-me-think.html
this me it was a pleasure knowing u your cats and bees
Loved the way u wrote..this intro!!
D last time, I remember d intro that caught me ...was "If you are a selfless and gutsy person talk to me"
and the next best is urs!!!!
Keep it up buddy!!!!
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