Sunday, July 27, 2008

A for Ahemedabad

B for Bangalore

C for China?!

See, thats why I wish Chennai were just Madras. Would buy us some time no?

32 Confounded-souls had something to say:

KD. K Bodhi said...

I think you cracked the code. Contact Interpol.

Haaaaaaaaaak.... ;)

Anonymous said...

If something happens to me in any bomb blast, I will book tickets to goddamn US and thulp you wonly.


Bindhu Unny said...

In that case, I should be happy that 'Mumbai' is not 'Bombay'. But unfortunately, Mumbai has been hit so many times :-(

Let's hope there won't any more balsts anywhere ...

Bindhu Unny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nikhil Menon said...

hehe...First tym in ur space..and this is reallyyyy superrrrr!!!
cool post..u have cracked it,so did I but mine was a political angle.. :)

Nice theme and great content..keep up the good work.. :)


Solitaire said...


I do not need to do the family is in ahmedabad.

Preetam said...

zimbabwe?? ..**yawn**

Anonymous said...

lol...i prefer Bombay and Madras too...

Anonymous said...

it'll always be Madras for me. and you be safe. :|

Anonymous said...

Lol. did u get a message from the "police" too? :D


Anonymous said...

Yes it has :| Technically, Mumbai has to be hit after Madras :|

@Multi Mennon:
Thank you :)

aiyo. Hope your family is safe and unhurt :|

I dont anticipate us reaching that far.

Yes :) Bangalore, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras.

Anonymous said...

No bomb, no cry :)

Lol...yes I did!

The BACK funda....Bangalore, Ahem, Chennai and Kolkotta.

Anonymous said...

wasn't bangalore attacked first?

so it should go

B for Bengalooru

A for Ahmedabad

Z for ......

so, Chennai has a lot of time :-)

Anonymous said...

wasn't bangalore attacked first?

so it should go

B for Bengalooru

A for Ahmedabad

Z for ......

so, Chennai has a lot of time :-)

Anonymous said...

Naah...I m beginning to believe that Chennai is not bomb-worthy also.


Anonymous said...

Badly trying to kill time ? LoL

Confounded-Lady said...

oops-You have the time to read em, I have the time to write em.

Ramkumar R. Aiyengar said...

Well.. see.. now that you have blogged about it, I guess the terrorists would try not to use that ordering.. some reverse psychology funda.. so.. Chennai is safe :p

Preeti said...

I was actualy very :( tat day....and very X-( !

V said...

what's up?

i'm with OK on this one. you should seriously get an offer from the IB. no sarcasm, i really mean it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Chennai is always safe..except from rude velakaaris and mean automen.

Tell me about it! That sms was the first thing I read that morning :|

No sarcasm-a?
Child...I can see right through you :P

Ramkumar R. Aiyengar said...

.. and drivers who drive from mylapore to t.nagar in 10 mins through traffic :p

V said...

just because you have "lady" as your last name, you can't go around calling random people "child"...:P

Anonymous said...

Yeah, for once I was a part of the result and not the cause :P :D :D

Child wonly you are. What...even Adi-padi calls me akka. :P

confounded-lady said...

(though I repeatedly tell him not to..ahem :| )

Ramkumar R. Aiyengar said...

Oh yes.. I am sure you will have plenty of people vouching in for the 'cause' part! :p

V said...

that's because he's adi-padi...

i got a new nick for you..:P

"lady in the water" [please analyze metaphorically]

Anonymous said...

Lady in water-a? :O

Why,oh why? :-/

Anonymous said...

@iyengAr: I've mellowed down you know.

Anonymous said...

knock knock!

dum dum dum epo?


Confounded-Lady said...

9.11 ma :)

Anonymous said...

one post before you take a blissful break to switch time zones? :p