Monday, September 17, 2007

The Lament of a Betrayed Heart..

The tooth-fairy ain't real..
Santa ain't real..
Prince Charming ain't real..
God ain't real..
And now, Ram ain't real.


But Starvation is real...
Poverty is real..
Rape is real...
Nuclear war is real..
Death is real..

The bathos in life we're all subjected to.

How much can this feeble heart take?

24 Confounded-souls had something to say:

busy-writer said...

hey.. really nice one. touched me.. got me into thinkin that i shld definitely start countin my blessins!! :-)

and oh yea, it feels really weird that wht u believed in all your life was jus fiction.. and had ntn true to it
(not talkin abt my case. i dont blv in ny particular god. i jus blv in a supreme pwr mainly cuz its moral support)

busy-writer said...

btw, your blog doesnt show as "updated" on my blogroll.. hmm.. altho the function's been enabled.

Princess Banter said...

Aaaah... I have no words. I agree with every word.

Unknown said...

Generally ur blogs are long and descriptive.. (and ofcourse i love reading them)
But this one, although small, tells a lot... Really touching!!!
Hats off!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Busy writer:
Yes, count you should. I'm starting to fear that they'd say that Michael Jackson isnt real *shudder at the thought* ;-P

I'm not sure why it isnt showing up on your it that I should be registered in Blogrol or something? dunno..

Anonymous said...

@ Princess Banter
Yeah, sometimes truth hits us like a bus on the road. But sometimes, it isnt truth at all. Thats when it really hurts.

@ Bhaumik:
lol...thanks Bhaumitt. I think I should make my posts shorter and more meaningful ;) :D

abhartiya said...

....and your blog is real!


Anonymous said...

But your thoughts are Real...this is simply a lovely post. I just can't agree with you more...touching thoughts!

Mystique said...

it's rather depressing, i tell you, that conscious efforts are being made to blot out all that is good, or seems good in this world

Anonymous said...

well, don't ask me if ram is real... u know what i'll say... all i know is ramayana is a compilation written largely by valmiki...

is hogwarts real?

Mark IV said...

yes... close to tears at the stupidity of politics and the machinery thereof...
reality is a myth... rape, plunder, poverty, hunger, death, suffering, pain are all relative... a societal change that makes us better evolved species

spiritofillusions said...

Surprisingly this heart can take this and more :-)

Keep the faith..


Anonymous said...

@ Wacko:
Thanks. That was nice :)

@ Kalyan:
Thank you Kalyan. YOu just made my day. Keep coming back :)

@ Mystique:
Very true. Faith just doesnt seem to be given its due respect now. But to quote the blue fish in Finding Nemo, we have to ;Just keep swimming';)

Anonymous said...

@ Bharani:
In the land of the Indus, the Ramayana and Mahabharath, Harry Potter is far cry from the Sri Ram.

@ Mark IV:
Pain is relative. True. But I guess when faith is relative too, we/someone [;)] have to learn to understand that. ;)

@ Vidya:
Sure will Vids. :)

praveen said...

wow...tats really superb....
keep rocking.. :D

Drama Queen said...'re getting a bit morbid...
btw, i looked your name up in old psbb school mags (fits of joblessness), and you're the sanskrit topper and, WOW!
And btw, I'm a BIG Evanescence fan as well....all fans UNITE...yay!

VenkyMarg said...

Well life aint a fairy tale.. and nice blog... and happy bloggin..... ( ok this is not what i had in mind.!)

Akanksha said...

What u said is true...but i guess truth isnt real:-(
We all are Struggling to find the diference between real and fake...but we dont really know what we find out is real or not.

Good post!!!!

Anonymous said...

i learned one thing...

one can't argue and question faith with logic and science... faith transcends all of it... obviously the world will be utopian if people understand that there are different faiths and that one has to respect another person's right to follow a particular faith as much as he does... even if that faith is atheism...

sadly that's not what's happening..everyone wants to propagandise his/her own faith and in the process ridicules others' faith...this is the reason we are seeing this all this commotion that's happening now...

yep, poverty, war are the tangible and real problems...we have elected our politicians to solve these problems...not to further their vote-bank-agenda by incensing people by attacking faiths... more often than not people fall for it... now that is what i call silly...

mathew said...

short and yet to the point..sometimes wonder how fake the whole world is..No one even cares to acknowledge misery exists in the world...agree with you completely..

Anonymous said...

well, it all boils down to what you believe in.

I believe that Ram is real, hes out there, looking out for us.
I believe that not every stranger in the internet is NOT a psychopath middle aged murderer.
I believe in kindness.
I believe that what happened in "You've Got Mail" can happen in real life.

And irrespective of what other people think, I'll still believe in them.
And hence, no one can do anything about it.


Only thing we can do is keep believing.

Confounded-Lady said...

@ Praveen:
Thanks, do keep visiting :)

Yes :) We do have quite a few thingies in common.

Thanks mate! :)

Confounded-Lady said...

@ Akanksha:
Moreorless so. :)

Dude! Absolutely :)

Fake is SO the word.

Yeah, that ought to be the manthra from now on. Peace :)

Preeti said...

Prince charmin aint real???really???u kiddin me!!noo???man! i dint knw!!well...actually ur rite...gurlz r gettin married by the dozen arnd me!n im still waitin for my knight in shinin armour to come gt me...damn!time wasted...i dint tink id come to i guess iv gta go tell amma to do the honourz nw huh???hehe...

when somethin uv believed in all ur life turns out to be stale,it cn really hurt...nt juz wit whimsical characters bt wit real,in-the-flesh ppl too...iv sworn never to belive or trust again whn such a low then its humanly impossible nt to...

nothin goes rite witout a basic belief in go on gurl...ur a dreamer, go dream and believe in urself...i knw u do :)

much luv!

p.s: i knw tis comment borders mostly on the 'belief' part n nt on the secnd half (of ur tiny lik cutsie blog!) bt tatz cuz iv decided to dwell on the positive :D hehe....